I know I have a bunch of letters behind my name, but when I think about what I really do in the world, these words come to mind:
For 25 years, I have had a private practice of therapy and coaching.
If you are interested in this kind of work, you can read about my clinical work at Wholistic Therapy and Coaching Center.
I also travel to speak, lead retreats, and teach, which you can read about here.
I have a published book and several blogs which you can read about here.
Degrees: Master’s of Education in Counseling (M. Ed.), Doctorate in Ministry (D.Min.)
Licenses: Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
Certifications & Trainings: Board Certified Coach (BCC), PeopleMap Trainer, Spiritual Director.

In the office
I specialize in a few things: I love working with couples of all kinds. I also love working with anyone who feels stuck in life and wants to move forward in joy and abundance. I am not afraid of grief and loss, and I feel comfortable holding space for the suffering and pain of others. I am known for my therapeutic work with clergy and seminarians of all denominations.
On the road
I especially like to talk about forgiveness, about the moment to moment spiritual journey, about miracles, about relationships, and about peace-making. I love leading retreats for women about whatever women want to talk or learn about.
Let me tell you what else brings joy to my life.
Certainly my husband and daughter.
My wide circle of fabulous friends. (It’s a competition: mine are the best!)
My faith. My extended family. My home. My church.
Music. Dancing. Poetry. Cooking. Dark chocolate. Good wine. Making hearth for others. My work. Reading. Writing.
I am one fortunate woman!