Adulting mugs

February 12, 2021


Spring Cleaning: Your relationship needs it, too!

March 27, 2015

I get the bug every year about this time. The Spring Cleaning Bug. The pillow that falls in my face every time I open the linen closet, the pillow I would so casually crunch back onto a shelf without even a second thought, that pillow falling in my face, as of yesterday, caused groaning and…

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My Thoughts And Prayers Are With You

February 17, 2015

After spending a month going back and forth between home and the hospital with her sick husband, a client of mine began a session by saying this: I have learned something this week. I will never again say to someone, “My thoughts and prayers are with you.” I will say instead, “I would like to…

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Two Hundred and Two Years Of Marriage: A Group Collaboration

January 14, 2015

Over the holidays, my husband, daughter, and I participate in two “ritual” dinner parties. One is affectionately known as “The Night Before The Night Before”, (TNBTNB) and the other is our New Year’s Eve Dinner Extravaganza. (NYEDE) Because I wasn’t thinking about the possibility that these occasions would continue for decades, which they both have,…

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